Please read the description below:
Section 2-800 Village of Oakwood Hills Director of Economic Development Section 2-801. Creation of Position. There is hereby created the uncompensated position of Director of Economic Development who shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Village Board. Section 2-802. Duties. The Director of Economic Development shall collect information relating to potential economic development within the plan jurisdiction area of the Village and shall report such information to the Plan Commission on a regular and timely basis. The Director shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to the Director from time to time by either the Corporate Authorities or the Plan Commission.
If you are interested please contact Cheryl LoSasso at closasso@oakwoodhills.org _______________________________________________
Please click on the link below for customer contact information, other information and to report any street lights that are out.
2025 Board Meeting Dates
Village Board meetings are held on the SECOND Thursday of each month
Click on the link below for the meetings schedule
Please be advised Prairie Land Disposal has been purchased by Lake Shore Recycling (LRS) Please click on the link below for more information. Once on the Prairieland/LRS website click on MUNICIPALITIES then click on VILLAGE OF OAKWOOD HILLS
Yard Waste pickup is April through November.